Top Artificial Intelligence Companies

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing technology with applications that span every industry. From healthcare, finance, retail, security, and industrial manufacturing, artificial intelligence is transforming the way we do business. As such, there is no shortage of companies offering AI-based products and services. But with so many companies vying for your attention, it can be difficult to decide which one is the best of the lot. To help you, this article lists some of the best intelligence agencies in the world today. Read on to learn more about each and find out if any of these solutions can benefit your business. 

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Top artificial intelligence companies

There are many great artificial intelligence companies out there, but these are our top picks.


Google has been a pioneer in the development of artificial intelligence, and its work is continuing to revolutionize the field. They have developed many ground-breaking technologies, including the Google Brain deep learning platform.


Amazon is another giant in the world of AI. They are using machine learning across their vast organization, from retail to logistics. Amazon Alexa stands out as one of their most impressive applications, powered by machine learning algorithms.


Facebook is using AI to transform how we interact with the social network. Their Messenger chatbot platform uses AI and employs machine learning for image recognition and user recommendations.


IBM has been working on artificial intelligence for over 50 years, and they are now a leader in the field. They offer a wide range of AI services and products, including Watson, their cognitive computing platform.


Microsoft is another tech giant that is investing heavily in artificial intelligence. They offer several AI services through their Azure cloud platform, and they are also developing their own AI chipsets.

Artificial intelligence courses

There are several different types of artificial intelligence courses available online and at universities around the world. Below is a list of some of the top artificial intelligence companies that offer courses in various aspects of AI.


DeepMind offers an online course called “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence,” which covers basic concepts in AI including search, planning, and learning.


IBM has a wide variety of AI-related courses available through its IBM Watson Academy. Courses cover topics such as machine learning, natural language processing, and cognitive computing.

Sift Science:

Sift Science offers an online course called “Practical Introduction to Machine Learning,” which covers topics such as supervised and unsupervised learning, linear regression, and support vector machines.


Udacity offers several nanodegrees in various areas of artificial intelligence, including self-driving cars, machine learning engineering, and robotics software engineering.

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